STRATEGIC THINKINGIn 1903, the factories of Franz Czerweny in Deutschlandsberg and Stallhof near Stainz were merged into the newly founded cartel company, the "SOLO Zündwaren- und Wichsefabriken Act.
Act. (1903-1924) and SOLO Flammables and Chemical Works Act. Ges. (1924 – 1982) merged. As a result, on January 1, 1903, the world's largest match company was born. In 1913 Bernhard Fürth and Franz Czerweny resigned as directors of the company, whereupon Dr. Ernst Fürth became general director of the group and Robert Czerweny Edler von Arland became director of the headquarters. His brother Viktor left the operative business in Deutschlandsberg in 1920. The Czerwenys had thus handed over the operative business and devoted themselves to other tasks.
With the exception of the years 1944, 1946, 1953, 1954 and 1967, the companies brought in by the Czerwenys in Deutschlandsberg and Stallhof near Stainz constantly distributed dividends in the period from 1921 to 1970.
With Viktor and Robert Czerweny Edler von Arland, Florian's two grandsons, at the urging and with the financial support of their father Franz, began developing a matchstick machine as early as 1898. The "Czerweny automatic matchstick" achieved world fame with the completion of machine no. 23 in 1912.